New 2022 Small Business Tax Rule
A new tax rule will impact millions of small businesses in 2022. You can thank one small change buried in the American Rescue Plan Act of...
2022 Small Business Legal Guide
Over the years of representing businesses, some big, some small, across many different industries, I have learned that there are certain...
What will 2022 Bring for Dallas-Fort Worth Businesses?
2021 was supposed to be the year when COVID-19 disruptions faded away in the rearview mirror. The life-altering virus instead brought the...
Dallas Begins 2022 as Best Place in Texas for Small Business
Small businesses are often called the backbone of the U.S. economy. Well, if that’s the case, then Dallas County might be the spinal cord...
Happy Holidays!
From Armstrong the Law Firm: Wishing all of our fiends, families, colleagues and clients a warm and happy holiday!
Texas Workforce Commission "Skills for Small Business" Program
Through the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Skills for Small Business Program, up to $2 million from the Skills Development Fund is...
Treasury Launches 2021 State Small Business Credit Initiative
The U.S. Department of the Treasury has launched the 2021 State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) portal. The portal will provide...
Four Reasons to Invest in Cybersecurity for Your Small Business
While billion-dollar corporations and their very public battles with issues such as ransomware attacks typically garner most of the...
What You Need to Know About the Texas Cottage Food Law
If you started or are considering starting a business during the pandemic, you’re not alone. According to the U.S. Census Bureau,...
Texas Becomes Ground Zero for Eminent Domain Cases
As communities expand, so do eminent domain cases – and the trend is causing big problems for small businesses. Eminent domain is the...
The Ongoing Pandemic Brings New Class Action Risks
The new COVID-19, return-to-work stage brings new risks of legal exposure. Allegations regarding off-the-clock work — a perennial source...
Does the HIPPA Privacy Rule Prevent a Business for Asking About Vaccine Status?
No. The Privacy Rule2 does not prohibit any person (e.g., an individual or an entity such as a business), including HIPAA covered...
What is the STEP Act and How Does it Affect a Business?
STEP stands for Sensible Taxation and Equity Promotion. As tax law is written today, if an owner dies, the cost basis for the asset...
How the SECURE Act Affects Employers and Employees
The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (Secure) Act was signed into law on December 20, 2019, with little fanfare....
Companies Grapple with Questions About COVID-19 Mandates
Companies preparing to implement the Biden administration’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate face logistical challenges and unanswered questions...
The Most Common Types of COVID-19 Legal Complaints
As COVID-19 continues to spread, so too do legal complaints—from challenges to gathering in groups, to event cancellations, to businesses...
Texas Businesses Now Subject to Liability for Sexual Harassment
The Texas Labor Code was amended effective September 1 to expand liability for employers as to employee claims of sexual harassment....
North Texas Small Businesses Struggling with Lack of Qualified Workers
Optimism among North Texas small business owners is on the decline. One reason is the disruptions to the supply chain. But the biggest...
Delta Variant Drops Small Business Confidence
Small-business confidence dropped in August to its lowest level since early spring, as the rise in Covid-19 cases due to the highly...
The 5 Biggest Challenges Facing Small Businesses
Starting a business is a big achievement for many entrepreneurs, but maintaining one is the larger challenge. There are many standard...